Give Yourself Time: The Joy of Taking a Break

Give Yourself Time: The Joy of Taking a Break

Friends and family ask us, “How do you do it? How do you manage to leave for a year?” Others say, “You are crazy; I would never do that!” These people usually think of the dictionary definition of a vagabond as “…a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.” I prefer Ralph … Continued

Los Angeles Meet, Plan, GO! 106 of us together!

Thank you to everyone (all 106 of you) who joined us for our Meet Plan Go event Tuesday Oct 18! Some thoughts from those who attended: It was inspiring and encouraging to hear the stories and meet other people who have a desire for world travel like I do.  I hadnever been to an event … Continued

Turbulent Tonga Part II: “Toni’s Guesthouse Tour”

Turbulent Tonga Part II: “Toni’s Guesthouse Tour” The Ukranian Dracula lady, had just finished assaulting Jackie when we arrived at 10:00am.  Dracula had mistook the poor Brit for my wife Lisa, who simply “wouldn’t open the damn window” of the van when we arrived last night.  The Ukrainian scowled at Lisa but didn’t dare approach her while … Continued

First Steps to Travel Dreams

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson  Some people ask us, “How do you do it? How do you leave for a year?” Some tell us, “You are crazy; I would never do that!” These people usually think of  … Continued

Muzungu: One who travels around

Article first published as Mzungu: One who travels around on Technorati. In the book, The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World, the three “lost girls” are in Africa and learn the word, Muzungu.  “I learned that [muzungu] originally meant ‘one who travels around,’ referring to the European traders who came in the … Continued

Lisa and George’s Travel Adventures Begin

Leaving Los Angeles for our one year trip mainly in SE ASIA Hello from George and LisaWe are leaving THURSDAY JULY 31st! We have one night of hotel planned and our flights so far are listed in the box. We will email updates to you when we can!!Thank you so much for all the bon … Continued

We Said Go Travel