Proceso de Lucha Insurreccional por la Liberación de Nicaragua

Instagram: Simple Steps to Join the Mobile Photo Revolution

While teaching elementary school, I once remarked, “I have a video camera but I don’t know how to make a movie.” One of my fifth grade students, Hannah, said, “Don’t worry Mrs. R, I will stay in at recess and teach you iMovie.” In case you don’t have a student around, I can highly recommend Instagram … Continued

Revolution 2020: Does Life Imitate Art?

Reading Chetan Bhagat‘s Revolution 2020 in December 2012 while traveling by bus throughout India, it has seemed that art imitates life. The newspaper has been alive with the protests in the street with the “pink revolution.” The people of India are angry about the mistreatment of women and the lack of government response and protection. … Continued

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