The Importance of Feminist Mentors and Representation & BRAVE-ish

Thankful during COVID: We Said Go Travel News Nov 2020

Nov News 2020 with We Said Go Travel: I hope you had a Happy COVID19 Thanksgiving. 2020 has been a year filled uncertainty and changes. I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy and you are taking care of your physical and emotional health. I bought myself flowers and it has made … Continued

Join us to Celebrate Joannie Parker on her Birthday

Please join us for a celebration of life for Joanne Parker on Saturday, November 7, 2020, at 2 p.m. via Zoom. What better day to celebrate Joannie than on what would have been her 87th birthday? To RSVP for the event, click here. The celebration is being organized by Joannie’s daughters, Alison ’83 and Sabrina, and … Continued

Remembering Joannie Parker!

Before COVID-19, we would have gathered this weekend in honor of Joannie Parker at the campus of the former Westlake School for Girls where she was my teacher and mentor. However, now we will gather May 8, 2021 instead. I miss my friend so very much. The video footage above is from Westlake reunion day … Continued

Lisa Niver and Judy Chicago

#MuseumStoreSUNDAY: Discovering Women

What do you do with your holiday time? I love museums and their stores almost as much as I love libraries. Going into an exhibit can feel like traveling to another place or another time and I always see things from a new perspective. I recently went to the National Museum of Women in the … Continued

Sunset in Santa Monica by Lisa Niver Sept 11 2019

3 National Journalism Nominations! We Said Go Travel News Nov 2019

November News 2019 with We Said Go Travel: Happy Thanksgiving! I am a grateful 3x National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Awards Finalist! The NAEJ Awards are for Journalistic Excellence, Career Achievement and Contributions to Society! Thank you to the Los Angeles Press Club, Ms. Magazine, Wharton Magazine and KTLA TV! I will be at the Biltmore Hotel … Continued

Joannie Parker

Happy Birthday Joannie Parker!

Happy Birthday Joannie Parker! Today she would have been 86 years old. This photo is from 10 years ago when she was a 76 year-old bridesmaid at my wedding! I first met her in 1983 when she was my junior year English teacher and the following year my senior year Women’s Studies teacher at Westlake … Continued

happy Birthday Gloria Steinem

Happy 85th Birthday Gloria Steinem!

Happy 85th Birthday Gloria Steinem! We have not met yet in person but you have changed my life. Thank you for all you have done for women and men. I had the honor of being taught by Joannie Parker for high school English and senior elective, Women’s Studies. She brought the women’s movement to our … Continued

Ready for a Road trip?

On the Road Again: Do You Want to Explore Santa Cruz

For my 50th birthday, I have been working on a project of doing 50 New or Adventurous Things before I turn 50. I know that what is important to me is experiences. “Success is not a destination, but the road that you’re on. Being successful means that you’re working hard and walking your walk every … Continued

We Said Go Travel