Women Wonder & Wander! Niver’s News: March 2023

Women Wonder & Wander! Niver’s News: March 2023

March News 2023 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: March is Women’s History Month! I celebrated by going to the 10th annual Women’s Travel Fest in NYC, skiing with my friend of 38 years & my dad and interviewing strong incredible women for my podcast. Thank you to my friend of 12 years, Alexandra … Continued

What do you LOVE? Niver’s News: Feb 2023

Feb News 2023 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: In February, do you think about WHAT DO YOU LOVE? I love Travel and I love speaking about TRAVEL! This month I spoke in Los Angeles at the Travel and Adventure Show–the 3rd of 4 cities where I am a speaker for America’s Favorite Travel … Continued

We Said Go Travel