Antarctica Feature: Part 1 – What Wildlife Will I See?

Antarctica Feature: Part 1 – What Wildlife Will I See?

Wildlife spotting in Antarctica is a lottery.  There are no game park enclosures or zoos.  There are no park rangers waiting for a “release the whale for tourists” call.  There are no guarantees. And that’s what makes it so special. We are the visitors, on the outside looking in – we are venturing into their world.  This … Continued

Antarctica: So You’ve Decided to go? Next Steps…

It’s been a lifelong dream, you’ve been inspired by the BBC’s Frozen Planet, you’ve just seen a friend’s photos from their trip or you are a frequent traveller who only has one continent left on their bucket list.  Whatever the reason, the decision has been made: Antarctica will be your next travel destination. Now what? … Continued

We Said Go Travel