Japan: The Ramen Shop at the Top of the World

Arigatō to Japan

Asante! xièxiè! Gracias! Tack så mycket! The first word any traveller learns in their new destination, Thank you! A phrase which shows humility, compassion, and a sincere gratitude used to acknowledge the new cultures, the diverse lifestyles, and the natural beauty of the place which you are exploring. The past few years have taken me … Continued

Japan: The Magic of Shirakawa Gō

Japan: The Magic of Shirakawa Gō I once wrote a poem about the Shirakawa Gō (traditional) Village, that started like this; ‘In far away, almost forgotten land, among mountains and valleys, as if someone tried to hide it, from the world like a precious gem, there is a place, that tells us the story, of … Continued

Wakayama: Japan’s Pacific Coast Pearl

Tourists to Japan’s main island, Honshu, tend to gravitate to major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, or historic sites such as Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Kyoto. Understandably so. The cities are rich and varied in both cuisine and culture. You name it, you will find it. But what about the lesser known areas of the great Pacific island? … Continued

Japan: Forca Brasil

It wasn’t until the Japanese cover band performed “Stand by Me” that the Brazilian flags were raised, a blaze of electric yellow, green and blue waving gloriously against the clear skies of Nagoya’s late afternoon sunshine. Seated on a picnic table in Japan’s Central Park with a plate of yakitori, I watched as sixty or … Continued


Japan: Leaping into the Land of the Rising Sun

 This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Shannon Guerreso from America. Thanks for your entry Shannon!     The toilet bowl was in the ground. I glared at the one-way plane ticket in my hand as if it owed me an explanation. Not thirty seconds on land and … Continued

Glass Geishas by Susanna Quinn

Susanna Quinn’s Glass Geishas is a compelling and cautionary tale. Just reading the sub-heading: “Every Girls Has Her Price,” I was drawn in. From the first lines of the prologue, “Breathe in, Breathe out,” I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole. What world had I tumbled into? The stories of young blond Western … Continued

4 Tips to Create Great Travel Videos

By Gaston Blanchet The Everest Marathoners from Humanity.TV on Vimeo. The Everest Marathoners from Humanity.TV on Vimeo. The Everest Marathoners from Humanity.TV on Vimeo. Instead of linking you out to a bunch of studies that show the hockey stick growth in online video, let’s just agree that online video is BOOMING. Especially short-form video. I’d … Continued

We Said Go Travel