Changing to a Citizen of the World


“It was quite an adventure, one of the best in my life. Getting lost in those crumbling catacombs beneath Rome”, “We were always just famished, that was until we discovered the amazing bread stores, that’s when our waistlines were compromised”, ” my mother’s stories of her travels around Europe had me spellbound. I grew up with my mother speaking to us in the Spanish she perfected while abroad in Spain. I always told myself that one day I would have an experience that would forever change my perspective of the world. It was my mother’s stories perhaps that got me interested in traveling however, my obsession with language and culture has always been a part of me. It was never uncommon to see me attempting to have a full on conversation with myself in Japanese or Chinese

When I got my first job at age 15 at Panda Express I worked hard to save up for my first car. By age 16 I was driving around looking for the next big thing to save for. I had my heart set on traveling to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C., It had been a dream of mine since I was young. This is where I got my first taste of freedom and independence. I saved up my money and flew out, it was one of the most amazing experiences so far in my life. I had never encountered such a variety of cultures in one area. Washington D.C was bustling with life and I was swept up in the experience.

While I sat in a Zen state of mind in the National Botanical Gardens, a young man approached me and asked me to take a picture of him and his family, I gladly obliged. Afterword he and I began to speak and I learned that he was visiting from China so I began to speak to him in his native tongue of Mandarin. It was in that moment that I realized how truly free and independent I was. Here I was across the country, actually getting to use the language I learned in high school and soaking in the radiance of the botanical gardens. I will never forget that experience as it set ablaze within me the desire to travel even further and meet even more marvelous people.

I am leaving for Chiang Mai, Thailand on August 20 to study at Chiang Mai University. This will be my very first time out of the country! Although I am rather scared, I am determined to broaden my horizons and gain even more independence. I am an anthropology major and studying abroad will give me abundant insight into my major. Learning about different cultures while abroad, offers a wealth of knowledge that most textbooks do not convey. Using the language skills my mother acquired while abroad has always given her a competitive edge when out searching for a job. I too, hope to stand out amongst the rest when I am looking for my career, colored in the multicultural hues of the world. I know that having a world view will benefit me in any career as it will allow me to relate to and sympathize with peoples of many different backgrounds.

I truly believe that to become a citizen of the world, traveling is essential. Until one is capable of seeing the world through the lenses of varies cultures one is operating under a handicap. Blinded by their own ideologies, dreams, and prejudices. This is why traveling is so important for me. To travel is a great thing, to evolve as a human being is something even greater.

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