The Magic of Moab

The Magic of Moab

I arrived in the middle of the night, disoriented by the long empty highway I followed from Grand Junction, Colorado, into Utah. I passed cliffs stained pale green by copper, turnoffs for dozens of ghost towns marked by “No services” signs. I watched the sun sinking behind stark grey mountains. It was July, and over … Continued

Kaleidoscopes in Austin, Texas

Taillights stretch long past the line of sight, blurring like the colors of a twirling kaleidoscope. Traffic is to be expected along the highways and byways of Central Austin, but this is far worse if one is not prepared. This is typical traffic plus all of the travellers converging for the latest international event, adding … Continued

The Money Nerve by Robert Wheeler

Passover: Finding Balance and Freedom on Tax Day

Giving up Bread or Internet for Passover? Finding Balance and Freedom on Tax Day For the last year and a half I have been living in Asia and eating rice. As I thought about Passover approaching, I figured giving up bread for eight days would not be meaningful as I really only eat rice in … Continued

Learning with Naomi Wolf at Stephen S. Wise Temple

I believe in books and that Benjamin Franklin was right when he said the library is the greatest American institution. I am a library evangelist and was delighted to be in Los Angeles for the “It Happens Every Spring: Annual Library Lunch” at Stephen W. Wise Temple organized by Roberta Lloyd, Library Director and the … Continued

Beverly Hills is 100 Years Old! #BH100

15,000 slices of cake! Beverly Hills is turning 100 and celebrating in style! Donald Wressel from Guittard Chocolate unveiled his plan to turn 700 pounds of chocolate and one metric ton of ingredients into a giant chocolate birthday cake. Mayor of Beverly Hills Lili Bosse invites everyone to join in the festivities, ferris wheels and … Continued

A Step Out of Time in New Orleans

The further south one travels in the US, the less relevant and more fluid time becomes, as though the Mason-Dixon Line were some boundary not of cartography, but relativistic physics. Reasonable standards of time are casually tossed out the window like so much warmed sweet tea; phrases like “a little while” encompass not minutes, but … Continued

We Said Go Travel