Italy: Finding Freedom In Footprints

Italy: Finding Freedom In Footprints

Finding Freedom In My Grandparents’ Footprints In the summer of 1912 a young couple, Sabato and Palma, boarded a mule cart in their southern Italian town of Vallo della Lucania for the day-long journey to Salerno. From there a train took them to Naples, where they boarded a ship for a two-week ocean voyage that … Continued

Italy: 51 over 11 under 4 in 182

Turning 51 after flying over 11 states during the Air Race Classic under 4 days in a C182 R Skylane II Whilst learning to fly in California at 38, I realized that not only age didn’t matter when following one’s dreams, but also that availability of information and access to role models did matter and … Continued

Italy: How to Relieve Cold Symptoms

After landing in a distinctly European airport—large, with signs in Italian, and with the feel of a train station—we got loaded into a taxi and sped off onto the crazy Roman highway—small cars everywhere. Two women we were sharing the cab with were angry with the driver—apparently he’d been driving them around all over the … Continued

Travel Writing Tips from Laura Fraser

Thank you to Laura Fraser for donating your book to the raffle for  our Inspiration Travel Writing Contest. YOU can decide the WINNER of our VAGABONDS CHOICE AWARD– Click here to VOTE now! And GET READY for our Independence Writing Contest with BIGGER Cash PRIZES starting May 11! Laura’s Travel Writing Tips –I always travel … Continued

Roma Top 5

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Dana Gaworski from America. Thanks for your entry Dana! It doesn’t matter in what order you tackle this list, or how long you linger at each spot. But whatever you do, start your day with a hot Italian espresso. You’re going … Continued

Italy: The Amalfi Coast

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Rona Amichai from The United States. Thanks for your entry Rona! Seventy steps. Up, up, up, into the Italian rock, Eighty six years on seventy steps, slowly, one at a time. Fifty four and sixty two years to share the load, while … Continued


A Fine Romance in Florence

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Sarah Humphreys from England. Thanks for your entry Sarah! On first arriving in Florence, over twenty years ago, I was immediately struck by a sign outside the microscopic airport that had been translated into English as “The delays of today are … Continued


Love is All You Need in Liverpool

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Sarah Humphreys from England. Thanks for your entry Sarah! Wandering through the centre of Liverpool at 9am and overhearing a Scouser, as the locals are known, say to his mate, “Do you think it’s too early for a pint?” I really … Continued


Venice: A Break From Reality

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest written by Suzi Richer from England. Thanks for your entry Suzi! “The next talk, about Peggy Guggenheim’s life, will be in 5 minutes. We’ll meet just by the steps, people can perch on the wall in the sun if they want to,” shouts … Continued

Fly To Tuscany – Italy’s Most Scenic Region

The Western coast region of Tuscany is one of Italy’s most renowned tourist spots. Its renaissance architecture, delicious local recipes and warm climate attracts millions of tourists each year. It’s also part of Italy’s famous wine country and connoisseurs regularly flock to the award-winning region. The region is made up of a number of provinces, … Continued

We Said Go Travel