CANADA: Finding Yourself and Finding Your World

Aug 28, 2016

By Tracy Munson

CANADA: Finding Yourself and Finding Your World

Where I find freedom….

I am often asked this questions being a mother to four young children, a wife, an entrepreneur, and an aspiring author. How do I find the time for me?

The first step for me was realizing that I needed time and freedom for myself and I had to make it happen. Prior to going on my personal development journey to healing and find my self-love. I was going through my life trying to do what would satisfy others and make them proud. Not too long after I graduated from high school I went to college to become a Natural Health Practitioner. I had a lot of criticism from my loved ones as this was not a field they understood or could relate to, in their eyes was not credible. Even before receiving my diploma, I had decided that I would become an electrician. Instead of pursuing my dream, I went into something that I knew would be accepted by everyone around me. Just a couple months after receiving my diploma I started my electrical apprenticeship. I received praise from all my loved ones and even complete strangers, which persuaded me to keep going.

I had to hit rock-bottom before realizing that I needed to honour myself and find that freedom for me. When I was pregnant with my fourth child, I realized that I was miserable, felt lost, misplaced and disconnected within your own skin. Living in a world full of judgement, feeling as though I needed to portray a perfect life, and putting unrealistic expectations upon myself, resulted in a lot of disappointment and feelings of failure. Being occupied by another’s needs each and every day without honouring myself, lead to exhaustion and deep disconnection within myself.

In society we have been essentially programmed to put on a facade to express how “ideal” our life should be and how we should be in the eyes of our generally population. There is an accepted way to be, look, act, the house, vehicle and life you should strive for, the items or things you should have. When really all these things should be customized to each individual, who you are, your soul purpose, personality and what you would like to accomplish in your life. Not everyone is the same. From one person to another, you will do things differently, have different beliefs, have different circumstances, priorities and have different ways of doing things.

When I started my self-healing journey, the biggest change happened for me when I allowed myself to have two hours for just me every morning before the rest of my family woke up. This time allowed me to fully connect, dig into my self-healing books and programs and better myself. Because I had chosen the morning for this time, it set up my day to succeed as I had already put time into myself, feeding my heart and soul, and allowing me to be the best me for the day. This also made decision making clearer for me. I knew I was on the right track because I was motivated to continue, it felt good and freeing.

With this self-acknowledgement, my self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love grew naturally. The more ways I honoured yourself, the happier I became, the lighter I felt and life began to flow with ease. Once I became connected with what made me happy, the faster my perspective changed. I was more accepting of others and all forms of judgment then disappears; self-judgement, judgement of others and other’s judgements on me. When I was able to release all of my self-judgements, I felt more confident within yourself and no longer needed anyone else’s opinions. When I got to the point, where I became absolutely comfortable within me and no longer felt the need to rely on other’s opinions, I instead use their suggestions as I saw suitable.

By honouring myself with “me time” everyday, I find my freedom, live my passion, and am present with my life.

My vision is:
“For all moms to think of themselves as no less than extraordinary!”

Much love, appreciation & gratitude,
Tracy Munson
Natural Health Strategist & Coach, NHP, CDC


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About the Author

Tracy Munson

Tracy Munson is the founder of Insight Natural Healing & The Finding YOU In Mom Platform. Through comprehensive training and experience, she specializes in emotional clearing and wholistic balance, to reigniting passion through discovery, clarity and specific strategies and tactics. Tracy lives near Sun Peaks, in British Columbia, Canada with her family, husband Owen Munson and their four young children. She is currently working on her first book "Finding You In Mom".

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